The Irish playwright, critic and political activist George Bernard Shaw once famously said “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Similarly, for us, specialising in emerging technology talent acquisition, we are consistently reminded that good communication is key to driving businesses forwards. It affects everything from morale to project success rates, to sales, to how effective your recruitment strategy is.
We are well-practiced in locating and supplying exceptional leadership talent when our clients require it and doing so gives us great satisfaction. These leaders almost always display obvious flair for communication. Listening attentively, asking the right questions, developing powerful team spirit, gaining suppliers’ and buyers’ trust, and explaining and executing projects in a well-managed way, meeting multiple objectives are their strengths.
However, being able to embed top quality communication strategies into your organisation, with buy-in from the factory floor up to the boardroom, is a sure-fire way to set an enterprise apart from the competition. An organisation which benefits from well thought-out, well-understood, baked-in communication strategies will usually perform well in our experience.
Enhancing engagement, encouraging flexibility, being open to dialogue which highlights opposing views and where necessary, explains why they’ve been dismissed in favour of an alternate pathway, builds trust across teams and across hierarchies. Effective communication and showing genuine understanding to one another, leads to stronger buy-in for the brand and associated projects, more fulfilled staff and improved performance and productivity.
For advice on accentuating your leadership and communication skills for job applications, or if you operate a business requiring these skills, contact your specific E-Mobility Search expert or use our contact us page